Regular Events
2025 Feb 20 Kazuyuki Tanaka (Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院) On collapsing phenomena of the alternation hierarchy of modal μ-calculus
Modal μ-calculus, introduced by D. Kozen, is a propositional modal logic extended with greatest and least fixpoint operators. In general, the μ-calculus is much more expressive than modal logic. The alternation hierarchy of μ-formulas is generated by calibrating the entanglement of the fixed-point operators in a μ-formula. …More>>
2024 Nov 21 16:00-17:30 Wenlong Zheng (郑文龙 Tsinghua University) Epistemic dimension of alternative possibilities: Representation with STIT logic
‘The principle of alternative possibilities’ (PAP), stating that ‘a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise,’ has long been central to discussions of moral responsibility. However, Frankfurt‘s [1] counterexamples, which challenge PAP…More>>