Call for Course Proposals: NASSLLI 2016

Call for Course Proposals: NASSLLI 2016


See the forwarded message below:


I’m writing just to let you know that the NASSLLI 2016 call for course proposals is now posted:

We’d be grateful if you spread the word about this call, and we of course encourage you to consider submitting a course proposal yourself!

NASSLLI is the North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information. NASSLLI 2016 will be held at Rutgers, July 8-16, 2016. We invite proposals for courses and workshops in logic, linguistics, computer science, cognitive science, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. Proposals are due September 30, 2015. The above link offers additional guidance and information about how to submit a proposal.

Thanks for your help!

Chris Potts (on behalf of the NASSLLI Program, Organizing, and Steering Committees)