Logical Dynamics of Agency Meets Natural Language
This is mainly a survey and issues talk. I start with the Dynamic Turn in the 1980s, its origins, and the two manifestations that crystallized over time: one toward a new kind of semantics for natural language and one toward classically interpreted dynamic logics of information-driven agency on extended vocabularies. I review some technical results and open problems connecting the formal systems arising in the two approaches, in particular, Dynamic Epistemic Logic/Dynamic Semantics, and Game Logics/ Game-Theoretic Semantics. I conclude with what a dynamic logic of agency perspective may add to the study of natural language.
- J. van Benthem, R. Muskens & A. Visser, 1997, “Dynamics”, “Handbook of Logic and Language”, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- J. van Benthem, “Natural Language and Logic of Agency”, JoLLI 2014.
- J. van Benthem, “Implicit and Explicit Stances in Logic”, JPL 2018. Johan van Benthem