Research fellows are people involved with concrete activities of the center who have been invited to join by the directors.
This group will grow over time as the center acquires further projects.
Click on names below to see how they are related to the center.
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Agency
– Interests: modal logic, dynamic logic, epistemic logic, temporal logic; models for multi-agent information flow and information merge; rationality and action in game theory; quantum logic and quantum information flow; coalgebras, non-well-founded sets, universal set theory, models for self-reference, circularity and fixed-points; formal epistemology, philosophy of information and philosophy of science.
– Most relevant publications:
- A. Baltag, S. Smets: Reasoning about Quantum Information: An Overview of Quantum Dynamic Logic. Applied Sciences (Special Issue on Quantum Logics), Vol.12 (9), 44-58, 2022
- A. Baltag, N. Bezhanishvili, A. Özgun, S. Smets: Justified Belief, Knowledge, and the Topology of Evidence. Synthese 200(6), 2022
- A. Baltag and J. van Benthem: A Simple Logic of Functional Dependence, in Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2021
A. Baltag and S. Smets: Learning what Others Know, in L. Kovacs and E. Albert (eds.), LPAR23 proceedings of the International Conference on Logic for Programming AI and Reasoning, EPiC Series in Computing, Volume 73, pp 90-110, 2020.
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Agency, History of Logic in China.
– Interests: modal logic, mathematics and computation; space and time; logic and natural language; logic and cognition; logical dynamics of information and agency; logic and games; logic and philosophy; history of logic and related fields.
– Most relevant publications:
- J. van Benthem: The Logic of Conditionals on Öutback Trails, Logic Journal of the IGPL,
- J. van Benthem: Logic and Probability. Encounters with the van Lambalgen World, in K. Stenning & M. Stokhof, eds., Festschrfit for Michiel van Lambalgen, Amsterdam
- J. van Benthem, B. ten Cate, R. Koudijs: Local Dependence and Guarding, Proceedings Advances in Modal Logic 2022
- J. van Benthem, K. Mierzewski, F. Zaffora Blando: The Modal Logic of Stepwise Removal. Rev. Symb. Log. 15(1): 36-63, 2022
- J. van Benthem, L. Li, C. Shi, H. Yin: Hybrid Sabotage Modal Logic, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2022
- J. van Benthem. Semantic perspectives in logic, in G. Sagi and J. Woods, eds., The Semantic Conception of Logic, Cambridge University Press, 117–141.
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Language.
– Interests: generative framework-based research on Chinese lexical-syntactic studies, language resource development for natural language processing
– Most relevant publications:
- D. Deng, R. Huang: The Function Word “Suo” in Jieyang Min Dialect: Fact Description and Theoretical Implication, Contemporary Linguistics, No. 5, 673-689, 2022
- D. Deng: On AABB Fragments in Modern Chinese as Compound Words rather than Reduplications, World Chinese Teaching, Issue 1, 65-77, 2022 [in Chinese]
- D. Deng: On de1 ‘的 1’: in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Prof. Zhu Dexi’s birth, Studies of the Chinese Language 4:416-430, 2021. (In Chinese)
- D. Deng: The syntax and generation of the coreferential construction in Mandarin Chinese. Contemporary Linguistics 4:531-554, 2021. (In Chinese)
– Home page:
– Interests: Mathematical Logic; Set Theory
– Most relevant publications:
- 《逻辑与发现》,北京:科学出版社,2023
- 《基本逻辑学》,北京:科学出版社,2020
- 《集合论导引》第一卷-第三卷(现代数学基础丛书),北京:科学出版社,2019
- A new characterization of supercompactness and applications, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Vol. 160, 2009, 192–213
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Agency
– Interests: Games, strategies and logics; Knowledge and belief; Social choices; Social cognition; Reasoning in individuals with ASD
– Most relevant publications:
- D. Li, S. Ghosh, F. Liu and Y. Tu: A simple logic of the hide and seek game, Studia Logica, Volume 111, pp. 821-853, 2023.
- S. Ghosh, S. Gupta and L. Li: Bisimulation in model-changing modal logics: An algorithmic study, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2023.
- S. Chakraborty, A. Ghosh, S. Ghosh and F. Schwarzentruber: On verifying expectations and observations of intelligent agents, In, L. de Raedt, ed, Proceedings of the 31st International joint conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2022), pp. 2568-2574, 2022.
- S. Ghosh and K. Sano: Rely more or less, for better or for worse: Intertwining reliability and preferences, Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp. 518-553, 2022.
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic, Language and Philosophy
– Interests: British Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume), Early Analytic Philosophy (Carnap, Frege, Quine, Russell, Popper, Wittgenstein), Analytic Metaphysics and Metametaphysics
– Most relevant publications:
- A. Jiang: Truthmaking cannot be done afar. In Synthese, 2023
- A. Jiang: Against Hirsch’s Metaontological Deflationism(对Hirsch元本体论紧缩主义的反对意见). InSynthese, 2021
- A. Jiang: Vom Phaenomenalen zum Gedanklichen – Studien zu David Humes Semantik, Begriffslehre und Metaphysik, Brill, 2020,Habilitationsschrift
- A. Jiang: Conceiving Existence. In British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 2018
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic in AI and Argumentation.
– Interests: Logic in AI, Computational Argumentation; Agents and Muti-agent Systems; Legal and Ethical Artificial Intelligence.
– Most relevant publications:
- H. Chi, B. Liao: A Quantitative Argumentation-based Automated eXplainable Decision System for Fake News Detection on Social Media, Knowledge Based Systems, 2022
- Beishui Liao, Michael Anderson, and Susan Leigh Anderson: Representation, justification and explanation in a value driven agent: An argumentation-based approach. AI and Ethics, 2021, 1: 5-19
- Beishui Liao, Nir Oren, Leendert van der Torre, Serena Villata: Prioritized Norms in Formal Argumentation, Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume 29, Issue 2, March 2019, Pages 215–240
- Pietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin, Beishui Liao: A general semi-structured formalism for computational argumentation: definition, properties, and examples of application. Artificial Intelligence, Volume 257, April 2018, Pages 158-207
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Agency, History of Logic in China
– Interests: preference logic; social epistemic logic; logics for games and social interaction; history of logic in China
– Most relevant publication:
- 《社会认知逻辑》(Social Epistemic Logic), Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2023 (to appear).
- F. Liu, D. Li: Ten-Year History of Social Network Logics in China, Asian Studies, 10(2), 121–146, 2022
- F. Liu, B. Liao: Reasoning in social setting, Journal of Logic and Computation 31(4), pp. 1023-1025, 2021
- D. Li, S. Ghosh, F. Liu, and Y. Tu: On the Subtle Nature of a Simple Logic of the Hide and Seek Game. In Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 27th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2021, Proceedings. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2021
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Language
– Interests: natural language semantics and pragmatics; questions; implicatures.
– Most relevant publications:
- M. Liu: A pragmatic explanation of the mei-dou co-occurrence in Mandarin. Journal of East Asian Linguistics (30)3, 2021.
- M. Liu: Unifying Universal and Existential wh’s in Mandarin, Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT)29, 2019.
- M. Liu: Varieties of alternatives: Mandarin focus particles, Linguistics & Philosophy, 40(1), 2017.
- M. Liu: Mandarin wh-conditionals as interrogative conditionals, Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT)26, 2016.
– Home page:
– Project involved: History of Logic in China
– Interests: Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Logic
– Most relevant publications:
- 刘新文:“论《逻辑》中的‘所以’”,《哲学动态》,2021年第5期
- F. Bellicci, X. Liu, A. Pietarinen: On Linear Existential Graphs, Logique et Analyse, 2020
- 刘新文:“逻辑基础问题——一个金岳霖式的回答”,《文史哲》,2020年第6期
- R. Zhu, X. Liu: The Minimal System of Justification Logic with Names, In Modality, Semantics and terpretations – The Second Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic, S. Ju, H. Liu, and H. Ono (eds.), Springer, August 2015
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Agency
– Interests: Formal epistemology
– Most relevant publications:
- J. van Benthem, L. Li, C. Shi, H. Yin: Hybrid Sabotage Modal Logic, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2022
- Q.Chen, C.Shi, Y. Wang: Reasoning about Dependence, Preference and Coalitional Power, CoRR abs/2209.08213, 2022
- C. Shi, S. Smets and F. R. Velázquez-Quesada: Logic of Justified Belief Based on Argumentation, Erkenntnis, 2021
- C. Shi: Collective Belief as Tendency toward Consensus, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2021, 50: 593-613
- C. Shi, No False Grounds and Topology of Argumentation, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2021,31(4): 1079-1101
– Home page:
– Projects involved: Logic and Agency, History of Logic in China
– Interests: The main focus of my recent research is social epistemic logic: the application of logical methods for studying rational activity among socially related groups of agents. This includes the provision of general logical tools for use in a two-dimensional setting in which the cognitive structures of individual agents (belief ,knowledge, preference, etc) interact with social structures present in individual epistemic states (friendship, epistemic trust, authority, and even epistemically relevant relations such as `seeing’ and “following”, e.g. in social media networks), but also the modelling of phenomena from social psychology such as peer pressure,opinion dynamics, pluralistic ignorance and the bystander effect. A secondary research interest is the history of logical thought in China. My main interest here is in applying ideas from contemporary research in logic to modelling ancient conceptions of logically-relevant topics such as 名 (names) and 辩 (distinction marking/debating), in a way that makes minimal assumptions about whether or not familiar Westerns logical concepts (entailment, logical laws, truth, etc) played any role in the thoughts of the ancients themselves.
– Most relevant publications:
- Y. Wang, Y. Wei, J. Seligman: Quantifier-free epistemic term-modal logic with assignment operator. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 173(3), 103071, 2022
- Y. Wang, J. Seligman: When names are not commonly known: epistemic logic with assignments. arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.03852, 2018
- J. Seligman: Common sense modal predicate logic. In Non-classical Modal and Predicate Logics: The 9th International Workshop on Logic and Cognition, Guangzhou, China (Vol. 4), 2017
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Agency
– Interests: logic (in particular non-classical logics, including non-monotonic logics, belief revision, modal and temporal logic, quantum logic); knowledge representation in AI; multi-agent systems; formal epistemology; philosophy of quantum physics, quantum information and computation, rationality and the role of “belief” in solution concepts in games, the connection between logics for belief revision and formal learning theory.
– Most relevant publications:
- K. Schulz, S. Smets, F. R. Velazquez-Quesada, K. Xie: Non-strict Interventionism: The Case of Right-Nested Counterfactuals, Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (2), 235-260, 2022
- C. Shi, S. Smets and F. R. Velázquez-Quesada, Logic of justified belief based on argumentation, Erkenntnis, 2021
- S. Smets and A. Solaki. The effort of reasoning: modelling the inference steps of boundedly rational agents, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 2021
- S. Smets and F. R. Velázquez-Quesada. A closeness- and priority-based logical study of social network creation. Journal of Logic, Language and Information. 29:21-51, 2020
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic, Language and Philosophy.
– Interests: dynamic semantics; questions; philosophy of semantics; Wittgenstein.
– Most relevant publications:
- M. Stokhof: World and Life as One: Ethics and ontology in Wittgenstein’s early thought, Stanford University Press, 2022
- J. Stam, M. Stokhof, M. van Lambalgen: Naturalising mathematics? A Wittgensteinian perspective, Philosophies, 2022, 7(4), 85
- M. Stokhof: Philosophy as change, in: Zhongjiang Wang (ed), Philosophy in China Today, Shengda University Press, Zhengzhou, 2022 [in Chinese]
- Y. Wang, M. Stokhof: A Relational Perspective on Collective Agency. Philosophies, 7(3), 63, 2022
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Agency
– Interests: Modal logic, model checking multi-agent systems, experimental algorithms for SAT problems
– Most relevant publication:
- Z. Li, Y. Xu, D. Ke, K. Su: Three-stage training and orthogonality regularization for spoken language recognition. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2023
- M. Lin, Y. Xu, C. Cai, D. Ke, K. Su: A lattice-transformer-graph deep learning model for Chinese named entity recognition. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 32(1), 2023
- M. Ju, Y. Xu, D. Ke, K. Su: Multi-domain Attention Fusion Network For Language Recognition. SN Computer Science, 4(1), 39, 2022
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic, Language and Philosophy
– Interests: Wittgenstein; Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action
– Most relevant publications:
- H. Tang: Bodily Self-Knowledge as a Special Form of Perception. Disputatio 11 (20), 2022
- H. Tang: Bodily self-knowledge revisited, Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy, 7(1): 77-78, 2021
- H. Tang: A Meeting of the Conceptual and the Natural: Wittgenstein on Learning a Sensation‐Language. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (1):105-135, 2015
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Language
– Interests: Most of my reasearch has been in the intersection of logic, philosophy of language, and linguistics. I have a monograph (OUP 2006, 510 pp, with Stanley Peters) on generalized quantifiers and natural language. My current reasearch is focused on issues about compositionality, and on logical constants and logical consequence.
– Most relevant publication:
- S. Peters, D. Westerståhl: The semantics of exceptives, Linguistics and Philosophy, 1-39, 2022
- D. Westerståhl, J. van Benthem: Generalized quantifiers meet modal neighborhood semantics, In Judit Madarász & Gergely Székely (eds.), Hajnal Andréka and István Németi on Unity of Science: From Computing to Relativity Theory Through Algebraic Logic, Springer Verlag, 2021
- D. Bonnay, D. Westerståhl: Carnap’s problem for modal logic, Review of Symbolic Logic:1-29, 2020
- D. Westerståhl: Generalized quantifiers, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic, Language and Philosophy
– Interests: Logic, analytic philosophy, metaphysics.
– Most relevant publication:
- 王路:论真与意义——一种关于认识的认识,《社会科学战线》, 2023
- 王路:“表象”的使用和意义——弗雷格与康德比较研究, 《学术月刊》 54.06(2022):27-33
- 王路:“形而上学”与“元宇宙”, 《读书》06(2022):120-127
- 王路:亚里士多德的语言哲学, 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 48.05(2021):79-86+169
– Home page:
– Project involved: Scientific Explanation and Natural Laws.
– Interests: General philosophy of science, philosophy of social science, philosophy of biology.
– Most relevant publications:
- W. Wang, J. Zheng: The Ontology and Methodological Fate of Knowledge——A Brief Discussion on the Research Program of the New HPS, Philosophical Analysis, 2022 (2), pp. 133-143 [in Chinese]
- W. Wang: Kuhn and Contemporary Philosophy of Science, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2022 (10), pp. 5-10 [in Chinese]
- W. Wang: Philosophy of Science: An Introduction to the Central Issues, Abingdon: Routledge, 2021
- 朱佳慧、王巍:集体信念的哲学分析,《自然辩证法研究》,2019(12)
– Home page:
– Project involved: Logic and Computation
– Interests: Justification logic, realization methods, self-referentiality, structural proof theory, (sub/super) intuitionistic logics.
– Most relevant publications:
- J. Yu: Lyndon interpolation theorem of instantial neighborhood logic–constructively via a sequent calculus. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 171(1), 102721,2020
- J. Yu: A tableau system for instantial neighborhood logic. In Logical Foundations of Computer Science: International Symposium, LFCS 2018, Deerfield Beach, FL, USA, January 8–11, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 337-353). Springer International Publishing
– Home page:
– Project involved: History of Logic in China.
– Interests: Rhetoric in ancient China; early Chinese ethics
– Most relevant publications:
- A. Yuan: Rhetorical Questions in the Daodejing: Argument Construction, Dialogical Insertion, and Sentimental Expression, Religions 2022, 13, 252
- A. Yuan: The Development and Practice of “Silence” in Early China from a Cross-Cultural Perspective——From Yanzi Chunqiu, Chuanshan Xuekan, No.141, 99-116, 2022 [in Chinese]
- A. Yuan: Global Perspective: Zhu Zi’s “Classic Interpretation” and “Addition and Deletion of Function Words”, Legein Monthly, Vol. 47, Issue 7, 2022 [in Chinese]
- A. Yuan: Laughter in early China: The Zhuangzi and beyond, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 84(2), 321-340,2021
– Home page:
– Project involved: History of Logic in China
– Interests: 先秦名学研究, critical thinking.
– Most relevant publications:
- 刘永强,翟锦程: 援用还是创译——西方逻辑第二次传入的术语问题,《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》, 2020年第四期
- 翟锦程: 逻辑学是科学的基础,《中国社会科学报》, 2020
- 翟锦程, 李敏: 从逻辑学的角度看论证理论的进展与演进方向, 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第1期