Tsinghua University – University of Amsterdam Joint Research Centre for Logic


Note that

UTC is for Coordinated Universal Time

EDT is for Eastern Daylight Time

CST is for China Standard Time

CEST is for Central European Summer Time

In the poster session, the posters that will be presented are exactly the ones that the audience just heard the short presentations of.

Friday June 25
10.00am-10.45am6.00am-6.45am6.00pm-6.45pm12.00pm-12.45pmShort presentations of posters
(Chair: Paolo Turrini)
on Zoom
Attainable Knowledge and Omniscience
(Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao)

Deliberation and Epistemic Democracy
(Huihui Ding and Marcus Pivato)

Persuading Communicating Voters
(Anastas Tenev and Toygar Kerman)

Local Dominance
(Emiliano Catonini and Jingyi Xue)

Knowledge from Probability
(Jeremy Goodman and Bernhard Salow)

Epistemic Modality and Coordination under Uncertainty
(Giorgio Sbardolini)

Are the Players in an Interactive Belief Model Meta-certain of the Model Itself?
(Satoshi Fukuda)
11.00am-12.00pm7.00am-8.00am7.00pm-8.00pm1.00pm-2.00pmPoster session
on gather.town
5.00pm-6.00pm1.00pm-2.00pm1.00am-2.00am(June 26)7.00pm-8.00pmInvited talk
(Chair: Andrés Perea)
on Zoom

Interactive Awareness of Unawareness
(Burkhard Schipper)
6.00pm-7.00pm2.00pm-3.00pm2.00am-3.00am(June 26)8.00pm-9.00pmHangout session
on gather.town
7.00pm-7.45pm3.00pm-3.45pm3.00am-3.45am(June 26)9.00pm-9.45pmShort presentations of posters
(Chair: Rineke Verbrugge)
on Zoom
Revisiting Epistemic Logic with Names
(Marta Bílková, Zoé Christoff and Olivier Roy)

Algorithmic randomness, Bayesian convergence and merging
(Simon Huttegger, Sean Walsh and Francesca Zaffora Blando)

Understanding Transfinite Elimination of Non-Best Replies
(Stephan Jagau)

Measuring Violations of Positive Involvement in Voting
(Wesley Holliday and Eric Pacuit)

Language-based Decisions
(Adam Bjorndahl and Joseph Halpern)

A Deontic Stit Logic Based on Beliefs and Expected Utility
(Aldo Iván Ramírez Abarca and Jan Broersen)

(Krisztina Fruzsa, Roman Kuznets and Ulrich Schmid)

Dynamically Rational Judgment Aggregation
(Franz Dietrich and Christian List)
8.00pm-9.00pm4.00pm-5.00pm4.00am-5.00am(June 26)10.00pm-11.00pmPoster session
on gather.town

Saturday June 26
0.00am-0.45am8.00pm-8.45pm(June 25)8.00am-8.45am2.00am-2.45amShort presentations of posters
(Chair: Kevin Zollman)
on Zoom
Knowledge from Probability
(Jeremy Goodman and Bernhard Salow)

Communication Pattern Models: an Extension of Action Models for Dynamic-Network Distributed Systems
(Diego A. Velázquez, Armando Castañeda and David A. Rosenblueth)

 Knowing how to plan
(Yanjun Li and Yanjing Wang)

Collective Argumentation: The Case of Aggregating Support-Relations of Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks
(Weiwei Chen)

Uncertainty-Based Semantics for Multi-Agent Knowing How Logics
(Carlos Areces, Raul Fervari, Andrés R. Saravia and Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada)

No Finite Model Property for Logics of Quantified Announcements
(Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French and Rustam Galimullin)

Probabilistic stability and statistical learning
(Krzysztof Mierzewski)
1.00am-2.00am9.00pm-10.00pm(June 25)9.00am-10.00am3.00am-4.00amPoster session
on gather.town
2.00am-3.00am10.00pm-11.00pm(June 25)10.00am-11.00am4.00am-5.00amHangout session
on gather.town
10.00am-10.45am6.00am-6.45am6.00pm-6.45pm12.00pm-12.45pmShort presentations of posters
(Chair: Jérôme Lang)
on Zoom
Revisiting Epistemic Logic with Names
(Marta Bílková, Zoé Christoff and Olivier Roy)

Well-founded Extensive Games with Perfect Information
(Krzysztof Apt and Sunil Simon)

Game-Theoretic Models of Moral and Other-Regarding Agents
(Gabriel Istrate)

An Awareness Epistemic Framework for Belief, Argumentation and Their Dynamics
(Alfredo Burrieza and Antonio Yuste-Ginel)

(Krisztina Fruzsa, Roman Kuznets and Ulrich Schmid)

Dynamically Rational Judgment Aggregation
(Franz Dietrich and Christian List)

Reasoning about Emergence of Collective Memory
(R. Ramanujam)
11.00am-12.00pm7.00am-8.00am7.00pm-8.00pm1.00pm-2.00pmPoster session
on gather.town
4.00pm-5.00pm12.00pm-1.00pm0.00am-1.00am(June 27)6.00pm-7.00pmInvited talk
(Chair: Fenrong Liu)
on Zoom
Learning what others know
(Sonja Smets)
7.00pm-7.45pm3.00pm-3.45pm3.00am-3.45am(June 27)9.00pm-9.45pmShort presentations of posters
(Chair: Elias Tsakas)
on Zoom
Attainable Knowledge and Omniscience
(Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao)

Epistemic Modality and Coordination under Uncertainty
(Giorgio Sbardolini)

Are the Players in an Interactive Belief Model Meta-certain of the Model Itself?
(Satoshi Fukuda)

Belief Inducibility and Informativeness
(P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Dominik Karos and Toygar Kerman)

A Recursive Measure of Voting Power that Satisfies Reasonable Postulates
(Arash Abizadeh and Adrian Vetta)

Failures of Contingent Thinking
(Evan Piermont and Peio Zuazo-Garin)

De re updates
(Michael Cohen, Wen Tang and Yanjing Wang)
8.00pm-9.00pm4.00pm-5.00pm4.00am-5.00am(June 27)10.00pm-11.00pmPoster session
on gather.town

Sunday June 27
0.00am-0.45am8.00pm-8.45pm(June 26)8.00am-8.45am2.00am-2.45amShort presentations of posters
(Chair: Eric Pacuit)
on Zoom
Local Dominance
(Emiliano Catonini and Jingyi Xue)

Algorithmic randomness, Bayesian convergence and merging
(Simon Huttegger, Sean Walsh and Francesca Zaffora Blando)

Understanding Transfinite Elimination of Non-Best Replies
(Stephan Jagau)

Measuring Violations of Positive Involvement in Voting
(Wesley Holliday and Eric Pacuit)

Language-based Decisions
(Adam Bjorndahl and Joseph Halpern)

A Deontic Stit Logic Based on Beliefs and Expected Utility
(Aldo Iván Ramírez Abarca and Jan Broersen)

Reasoning about Emergence of Collective Memory
(R. Ramanujam)
1.00am-2.00am9.00pm-10.00pm(June 26)9.00am-10.00am3.00am-4.00amPoster session
on gather.town
10.00am-10.45am6.00am-6.45am6.00pm-6.45pm12.00pm-12.45pmShort presentations of posters
(Chair:  Olivier Roy)
on Zoom
Knowing how to plan
(Yanjun Li and Yanjing Wang)

Belief Inducibility and Informativeness
(P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Dominik Karos and Toygar Kerman)

A Recursive Measure of Voting Power that Satisfies Reasonable Postulates
(Arash Abizadeh and Adrian Vetta)

Failures of Contingent Thinking
(Evan Piermont and Peio Zuazo-Garin)

De re updates
(Michael Cohen, Wen Tang and Yanjing Wang)

Collective Argumentation: The Case of Aggregating Support-Relations of Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks
(Weiwei Chen)

No Finite Model Property for Logics of Quantified Announcements
(Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French and Rustam Galimullin)
11.00am-12.00pm7.00am-8.00am7.00pm-8.00pm1.00pm-2.00pmPoster session
on gather.town
12.00pm-1.00pm8.00am-9.00am8.00pm-9.00pm2.00pm-3.00pmHangout session
on gather.town
1.00pm-2.00pm9.00am-10.00am9.00pm-10.00pm3.00pm-4.00pmInvited talk
(Chair: Silvia Milano)
on Zoom
Rationality and the Anticipation of Awareness Growth
(Katie Steele)
4.00pm-5.00pm12.00pm-1.00pm0.00am-1.00am(June 27)6.00pm-7.00pmInvited talk
(Chair: Joe Halpern)
on Zoom
Democracy and the pursuit of randomness
(Ariel Procaccia)
5.15pm-6.00pm1.15pm-2.00pm1.15am-2.00am(June 28)7.15pm-8.00pmRump session
(Chair: Joe Halpern)
on Zoom
Topological Negligibility – Connections to Default Reasoning
(Adam Bjornadahl)

Awareness Logic: Kripke Lattices as a Middle Ground between Syntactic and Semantic Models
(Gaia Belardinelli)

Revealed Conditional Preferences
(Stephan Jagau)

The Existence of Universal Qualitative Belief Spaces
(Satoshi Fukuda)

I’m Mistaken: How Logically Omniscient Perfect Introspectors Can Consistently Believe They Have False Beliefs (Hint: Unawareness)
(Jeremy Goodman)

Intertemporal Judgment Aggregation
(Franz Deitrich)

Conditional Probabilities as Probabilities of Indicative Conditionals
(Wai Lok Cheung)

A Foundation for Expected Utility in Decision Problems and Games
(Andrés Perea)
6.00pm-7.00pm2.00pm-3.00pm2.00am-3.00am(June 28)8.00pm-9.00pmHangout session
on gather.town
7.00pm-7.45pm3.00pm-3.45pm3.00am-3.45am(June 28)9.00pm-9.45pmShort presentations of posters
(Chair: Yoram Moses)
on Zoom
Deliberation and Epistemic Democracy
(Huihui Ding and Marcus Pivato)

Persuading Communicating Voters
(Anastas Tenev and Toygar Kerman)

Communication Pattern Models: an Extension of Action Models for Dynamic-Network Distributed Systems
(Diego A. Velázquez, Armando Castañeda and David A. Rosenblueth)

Well-founded Extensive Games with Perfect Information
(Krzysztof Apt and Sunil Simon)

Uncertainty-Based Semantics for Multi-Agent Knowing How Logics
(Carlos Areces, Raul Fervari, Andrés R. Saravia and Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada)

Game-Theoretic Models of Moral and Other-Regarding Agents
(Gabriel Istrate)

An Awareness Epistemic Framework for Belief, Argumentation and Their Dynamics
(Alfredo Burrieza and Antonio Yuste-Ginel)

Probabilistic stability and statistical learning
(Krzysztof Mierzewski)
8.00pm-9.00pm4.00pm-5.00pm4.00am-5.00am(June 28)10.00pm-11.00pmPoster session
on gather.town