Invited Talks:
- Interactive Awareness of Unawareness (Burkhard Schipper)
- Learning what others know (Sonja Smets)
- Rationality and the Anticipation of Awareness Growth (Katie Steele)
- Democracy and the Pursuit of Randomness (Ariel Procaccia)
Contributed Talks:
- Attainable Knowledge and Omniscience
- Persuading Communicating Voters
- Language-based Decisions
- Deliberation and epistemic democracy
- Dynamically Rational Judgment Aggregation
- Fire!
- No Finite Model Property for Logics of Quantified Announcements
- Understanding Transfinite Elimination of Non-Best Replies
- Epistemic Modality and Coordination under Uncertainty
- Collective Argumentation: The Case of Aggregating Support-Relations of Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks
- Communication Pattern Models: an Extension of Action Models for Dynamic-Network Distributed Systems
- Belief Inducibility and Informativeness
- De re Updates
- Local Dominance
- Uncertainty-Based Semantics for Multi-Agent Knowing How Logics
- Measuring Violations of Positive Involvement in Voting
- A Recursive Measure of Voting Power that Satisfies Reasonable Postulates
- Failures of Contingent Thinking
- An Awareness Epistemic Framework for Belief, Argumentation and Their Dynamics
- Are the Players in an Interactive Belief Model Meta-certain of the Model Itself?
- Revisiting Epistemic Logic with Names
- Well-founded Extensive Games with Perfect Information
- Game-Theoretic Models of Moral and Other-Regarding Agents
- A Deontic Stit Logic Based on Beliefs and Expected Utility
- Reasoning about Emergence of Collective Memory
- Knowledge from Probability
- Knowing How to Plan