Time: 2014 Nov. 1, 4-6, 8, 11-13, 15.
Venue: Rm 346 Xinzhai (新斋), Tsinghua University, Beijing.
This is a two-week intensive seminar.
- Bring you up to date about some current topics and research styles in dynamic logics of agency,
- Get to know you,
- Bring you in touch with students in Amsterdam and Stanford.
Prerequisites Knowledge: first-order logic (modal logic would help but not strictly necessary).
Topics and readings: Skim through readings before class to get a feeling for the topic, after class look up the details.
- Nov 1: Introduction and getting acquainted (introduction chapters LDII and LiG)
- Block 1: Information
- Nov 4: Knowledge, update (LDII, ch. 2, 3)
- Nov 5: Belief, evidence (LDII, ch. 7 + paper BenthemPacuit)
- Nov 6: Probability (LDII, ch. 8 + note on qualitative probability)
- Nov: 8 Discussion – Tracking information over time
- Block 2: Interaction
- Nov 11: Logic of extensive games at two levels (LiG, ch. 1, 11)
- Nov 12: Dynamic logic of game solution (LiG, ch. 8, 13)
- Nov 13: Logic as games and its laws (LiG, ch. 14, 19)
- Nov 15: Discussion – Designing a new logic game
Materials: Chapters from books and papers.
LDII = Logical Dynamics of Information and Interaction 2011,
LiG = Logicin Games 2014.
These are for your private use, not for wider circulation.