[tutorial] Three lectures in model theory (Jouko Vaananen)

Time: 2016 Jun. 13-15, 19:00-21:00 (each day)
Venue: Rm 335 XinZhai (新斋), Tsinghua University, Beijing.

Lecturer: Jouko Vaananen (University of Helsinki)

Title and Abstracts: Jouko海报

>> Monday, June 13: A general introduction to model theory
The lecturer will give an introduction to the main ideas and results of model theory, including Shelah’s stability theory.
[Slides for Lecture 1]

>> Tuesday, June 14: Hintikka sets and their applications
The lecturer will tell what Hintikka sets are and how they can be used as a powerful method in model theory to prove e.g. the Compactness Theorem, Completeness Theorem and the Interpolation Theorem.
[Slides for Lecture 2]

>> Wednesday, June 15: Dependence logic
Dependence logic arises from first order logic when new atomic formulas are added, e.g. for dependence, independence or inclusion. The lecturer will give the basic ingredients necessary for the study of dependence logic.
[Slides for Lecture 3]

Tsinghua University – University of Amsterdam Joint Research Centre for Logic
Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University