[talk] Polish contributions to syllogistic from Łukasiewicz to present times (Piotr Kulicki)

Time: 2017 Dec. 07, 16:00-17:30
Venue: Xinzhai 105, Tsinghua Univ.

Speaker: Piotr Kulicki (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
Title: Polish contributions to syllogistic from Łukasiewicz to present times
Abstract: Syllogistic is a first logical system in western world created by Aristotle in the 4th century BC. It formalises valid reasoning modes concerning relations between extensions of notions, allowing for example to infer the conclusion ‘every man needs to eat’ from the premises: ‘every man is an animal’ and ‘every animal needs to eat’. It was a dominant logical system in Europe until 19th century. With the development of mathematical logic at the beginning of 20th centuries it seemed that the old, Aristotelian logic is not useful any more. However, Jan Łukasiewicz reintroduced it to the contemporary logic in the 1930th by formulating it in the manner typical for formal logic. It is a theory that is useful as close to natural language having law computational complexity. | The modern approach to syllogistic initiated by Łukasiewicz is still vivid. In the presentation we will focus on contributions of Polish logicians. We will address the problem of empty names within syllogistic and the connection between syllogistic and Stanisław Leśniewski’s ontology, which along syllogistic formulates the core of the logic of names. We will especially point out different formalisations of the calculus of names and some results concerning decision procedures and the complexity issues.

Tsinghua University – University of Amsterdam Joint Research Centre for Logic
Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University