- 时间:2024年7月8日-12日
- 地点:清华大学
- 形式:线下授课
授课教师: Maria Aloni (The University of Amsterdam)
摘要: In team semantics, formulas are interpreted with respect to a set of points of evaluation (a team) rather than single points. In the course we will present 3 examples of team-based logical systems: Bilateral State-based Modal Logic (Aloni 2022); Inquisitive Logic (Ciardelli, Groenendijk and Roelofsen 2019) and Dependence Logic (Väänänen 2007); and discuss their linguistic and philosophical applications, which include:
- Bilateral State-based Modal Logic: ignorance and free choice inference, epistemic modals and epistemic contradiction;
- Inquisitive Logic: questions and attitude verbs;
- Dependence Logic: exceptional scope of indefinites, marked indefinites cross-linguistically.
授课教师: Yde Venema (The University of Amsterdam)
摘要: The modal μ-calculus is an extension of basic modal logic with least- and greatest fixpoint operators, which enable the expression of various kinds of recursive phenomena in the language. The logic has many applications, and a rich theory with many links to other areas such as algebra, order, infinite games, and automata.
The course will give a general introduction to the theory of the modal μ-calculus. We start with introducing the syntax and game semantics of the logic, and we link this to the algebraic semantics which is based on the theory of fixpoint operators. We discuss some model-theoretic results (including bisimulation invariance and the finite model property), and introduce some derivation systems.
*两门课程均为英文授课,学员可根据兴趣选修课程, 按照老师的要求完成作业。对于参加并完成课程的学员,联合研究中心将颁发结业证书。欢迎对逻辑学感兴趣的学生和老师参加。
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- 报名截止日期:2024年3月10日
- 录取通知日期:2024年3月15日
若有疑问请咨询石辰威( scw@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn )。