Conference Proceedings
New Format
Instead of the usual format of paper contributions and conference proceedings collecting these, we are implementing a new idea that will hopefully appeal to participants, geared toward discussion and interaction. Each invited speaker sends us either a new paper or one of his/her papers from the past 5 years that he/she considers most important and relevant. We then invite two colleagues to comment on it, after which the author can respond to these comments. We collect papers, comments and replies, and publish them together in the Proceedings, showing the interactive aspect of logic research.
We would like to thank all the contributors once more for their effort to make it happen.
The Proceedings is in print right now, published with College Publications, London.
The Table of Contents can be downloaded from HERE.
The reference info is the following: Johan van Benthem and Fenrong Liu, eds, Logic Across the University: Foundations and Application—
Proceedings of the Tsinghua Logic Conference, Beijing, 14-16 October 2013. Volume 47: Studies in Logic. College Publications, London.