Regular Events
2024.12.05 15:15-16:45 Xiaolu Yang (杨小璐, Tsinghua University) Early Linguistic Knowledge: Evidence from Experimental Studies of Language Perception and Comprehension in Mandarin-learning Toddlers
Early language acquisition research provides a unique perspective to understanding how children acquire language. One question concerns when children display specific abstract linguistic knowledge early in development. The other is how children break into a particular language (i.e. their mother tongue), assuming the availability of innate linguistic knowledge like Universal Grammar. In this talk…More>>
2024 Nov 21 16:00-17:30 Wenlong Zheng (郑文龙 Tsinghua University) Epistemic dimension of alternative possibilities: Representation with STIT logic
‘The principle of alternative possibilities’ (PAP), stating that ‘a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise,’ has long been central to discussions of moral responsibility. However, Frankfurt‘s [1] counterexamples, which challenge PAP…More>>