October 28, 中国社会科学网报道“‘逻辑与博弈国际研讨会”在山西太原举办” (International Workshop on Logic and Game Theory Held in Taiyuan, Shanxi)
August 12, 清华大学哲学系报道“刘奋荣教授当选为国际哲学学院院士” (Professor Liu Fenrong Elected as a Member of the International Academy of Philosophy)
July 18, 清华大学新闻网报道“第四届清华大学逻辑暑期学校举办” (The Fourth Tsinghua Logic Summer School Successfully Held)
June 06, 中国社会科学网报道“第三届国际逻辑与哲学研讨会在清华大学举行” (Third International Conference on Logic and Philosophy Held at Tsinghua University)
May 08, 中国社会科学网报道“‘逻辑、认知与数学哲学’交叉学科研讨会在清华大学举行” (Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Cognition, and Philosophy of Mathematics Held at Tsinghua University)
April 27, 清华大学教育基金会报道 “清华大学‘郑钢研究员’授聘仪式举行” (Tsinghua University Holds Appointment Ceremony for Zheng Gang Fellows)
April 26, 中国社会科学网报道“陈霞与清华大学师生探讨高校逻辑教育之路” (Professor Chen Xia Discusses University Logic Education with Tsinghua Faculty and Students)
March 29-31, 清华大学新闻网报道 “第四届清华大学“逻辑、语言与意义”交叉学科国际研讨会举行” (Fourth Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language, and Meaning Successfully Held)
November 20, 清华大学新闻网报道“人文学院刘奋荣教授当选国际科学哲学学院通讯院士” (Professor Liu Fenrong Elected as Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science)
November 04, 清华大学新闻网报道“清华大学-阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑学联合研究中心成立十周年庆典举行” (Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the Tsinghua University-University of Amsterdam Joint Research Center for Logic)
October 21, 中国社会科学网报道“金岳霖学术讲座系列活动在清华大学举行” (Jin Yuelin Lecture 2023 Held at Tsinghua University)
October 08, 科学网、中国社会科学网、清华大学新闻网报道“第一届王浩学术讲座暨学术研讨会在清华大学举行” (First Hao Wang Lecture and Symposium Held at Tsinghua University)
July 10, 清华大学新闻网报道“第三届清华逻辑暑期学校举办” (Third Tsinghua Logic Summer School Successfully Held)
June 09,《中国社会科学报》整版报道刘奋荣教授与司马亭(Martin Stokhof)教授对谈“走向意义” (Full-Page Coverage on Liu Fenrong and Martin Stokhof’s Dialogue: ‘Towards Meaning’)
May 06, 清华大学新闻网报道“清华大学‘逻辑学交叉学科课程证书’颁发仪式举行” (Certificate Ceremony for Tsinghua University’s Interdisciplinary Logic Course)
May 05, 中国社会科学网报道、清华大学新闻网转载“‘思想与时代’新书(《走向意义》)研讨会在清华大学举行” (Book Launch Seminar for ‘Towards Meaning’ Held at Tsinghua University)
March 31, 清华大学报道“全国政协委员陈霞与逻辑中心师生座谈,共商逻辑教育之道”(Professor Chen Xia Visits Tsinghua Logic Center and Discusses Logic Education with Faculty and Students)
February 14, Martin Stokhof presented JRC on the Occasion of the ILLC Site Visit by the deans of the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam (司马亭教授(Martin Stokhof)在阿姆斯特丹大学科学学院和人文学院院长访问逻辑、语言与计算研究所期间,介绍逻辑联合研究中心。)
October 21, 清华大学新闻网报道“逻辑学研究中心与合作者共同撰写的《<孙子兵法>的逻辑:基于思维导图的分析》出版” (Publication of ‘The Logic of The Art of War: An Analysis Based on Mind Maps’ by the Tsinghua Logic Research Center)
Jul 7, 清华大学新闻网报道“第二届清华暑期学校落幕” (Second Tsinghua Logic Summer School Successfully Held)
April 21, 清华大学新闻网报道“清华逻辑学派的传承”校庆专题研讨会召开 (Special Symposium on the Legacy of the Tsinghua Logic School Held)
March 31-April 4, 清华大学新闻网报道第三届“清华逻辑、语言和意义”交叉学科国际研讨会召开 (Third Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Conference on Logic, Language, and Meaning Successfully Held)
February 14, “社科趣谈”系列科普专题片《逻辑之美》 (‘The Beauty of Logic’ Featured in the Social Science Talks Series)
January 4, 清华大学新闻网报道清华大学发布首个全球融合式课堂证书项目 (Tsinghua University Launches First Global Blended Classroom Certificate Program)
September 8, 清华大学新闻网报道冯琦卓越访问教授受聘仪式举行 (Qi Feng Appointed as Distinguished Visiting Professor)
June 25-27, 清华大学新闻网报道第18届“理性与知识的理论研究(TARK)”国际会议在线召开 (18th TARK Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge Held Online)
May 17-June 16, 清华大学新闻网报道维特根斯坦《逻辑哲学论》百年纪念系列讲座举行 (Centennial Lecture Series on Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Held at Tsinghua University)
March 22, 清华大学新闻网报道校党委书记陈旭调研逻辑学联合研究中心 (University Party Secretary Chen Xu Visits the Joint Research Center for Logic)
January 14, 清华大学新闻网报道常务副校长王希勤调研逻辑学联合研究中心 (Vice President Wang Xiqin Visits the Joint Research Center for Logic)
December 17-20, 清华大学新闻网报道第二届“清华逻辑、语言和意义——语言和逻辑中的单调性”国际研讨会顺利召开 (Second Tsinghua International Conference on Logic, Language, and Meaning Successfully Held)
June 06, “云上”清华 — 央视新闻频道新闻调查栏目采访金岳霖讲习教授魏格达线上教学经历 (CCTV Interviews Professor Godehard Link on Online Teaching at Tsinghua)
May 22, 清华大学学习与发展指导中心官方微信平台“乐学”发文介绍金岳霖讲席教授司马亭与刘奋荣教授合上课程《逻辑、语言与哲学》(Introduction to the Logic, Language, and Philosophy Course by Professors Liu Fenrong and Martin Stokhof)
May 08, 清华逻辑公众号: 学贵得师,感谢海外专家团队助力,清华逻辑线上研讨课圆满结束 (Tsinghua Logic Online Seminar Series Concludes Successfully with Support from International Experts)
Nov 11, 清华大学公众号: 逻辑学,正在清华“开花结果” (Logic is Blossoming at Tsinghua)
Oct 19, 清华逻辑公众号:让逻辑学在清华开花结果 —-金岳霖讲席教授团组访谈录(Let logic Grow at Tsinghua—an Interview with the Jin Yuelin professors)
Oct 10, 清华大学新闻网:牛津大学教授伍尔德里奇主讲“金岳霖学术讲座” (Oxford professor Wooldridge Delivered Jin Yuelin lectures at Tsinghua)
Apr 20, 清华大学人文学院:“逻辑、语言和意义”国际研讨会召开 (International workshop on “Logic, Language and Meaning” took place at Tsinghua)
Dec 19, 清华大学人文学院:范本特姆和刘奋荣在《哲学逻辑手册》发表“道义逻辑和偏好改变” (Professor Johan Van Benthem and Professor Fenrong Liu published article “Deontic Logic and Changing Preferences” in Handbook of Philosophical Logic)
Oct 21-22, 清华大学人文学院:第四届亚洲哲学逻辑研讨会召开 (The 4th Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic took place at Tsinghua)
Apr 26, 科学网:清华大学基础文科首个讲席教授设立 (Tsinghua launches its first chair professorship in foundational humanities)
Apr 25, 中国社会科学网:清华大学金岳霖逻辑学讲席教授授聘典礼在京举行 (Jin Yuelin Chair ceremony held at Tsinghua, Beijing)
Nov 24, 清华大学新闻网:清华举行“致力于探究原则与模式的人文学史”研讨会 (Workshop “the search for principles and patterns from antiquity to the present” took place in Tsinghua) [ snapshot ]
Nov 23, 清华大学人文学院:“致力于探究原则与模式的人文学史”研讨会暨《人文学的历史》新书首发式举行(Workshop “the search for principles and patterns from antiquity to the present” and launch of the Chinese edition of a new history of humanities took place)
Oct 30, 清华大学人文学院:康奈尔大学教授哈鹏主讲“金岳霖学术讲座” (Prof. Halpern from Cornell gave Jin Yuelin Lectures)
Oct 30, 清华大学两办信息办公网:康奈尔大学教授哈鹏主讲“金岳霖学术讲座” (Prof. Halpern from Cornell gave Jin Yuelin Lectures)
Jul 06, 清华大学人文学院:长江学者刘奋荣专访:一个逻辑学的发烧友 (Interview with Changjiang Distinguished Professorship Liu Fenrong)
Jun 11, 清华大学人文学院:刘奋荣教授赴美开展学术交流 (Prof. Liu Fenrong visited U.S. for academic activities)
May 21, 清华大学人文学院:清华大学-阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑学联合研究中心举办清华逻辑论坛 (Tsinghua Logic Colloquium was held by Tsinghua-Uva Joint Research Centre for Logic)
May 08, 清华大学人文学院:人文学院举行2015年伟伦特聘访问教授聘任仪式 (2015 appointment ceremony for Weilun Visiting Professors was held at the School of Humanities)
Apr 01, 清华大学新闻网:校长邱勇到人文学院调研 (President Qiu Yong visited our center during his official visit to the School of Humanites)
Jan 15, 清华大学人文学院:刘奋荣教授受邀出席第十四届亚洲逻辑学国际会议 (Prof. Liu Fenrong was invited to attend the 14th Asian Logic Conference)
July 10, 清华大学人文学院:“第三届东亚逻辑、语言和计算暑期学校”在清华大学举办 (The Third East-Asian School on Logic, Language and Computation was held in Tsinghua University)
July 10, 中国科学报:清华—阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑学联合研究中心举行揭牌仪式 (The Tsinghua University – University of Amsterdam Joint Research Centre for Logic had its unveiling ceremony)
July 8, 清华大学新闻网:逻辑学大师、阿姆斯特丹大学教授范丙申受聘清华大学人文学院 (As a master of logic, Prof. van Benthem became a research fellow of the School of Humanities, Tsinghua University)
July 5, 清华大学新闻网:清华大学-阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑学联合研究中心成立大会暨揭牌仪式在清华举行 (The opening and unveiling ceremony of the the Tsinghua University – University of Amsterdam Joint Research Centre for Logic took place at Tsinghua University)
Feb 20, 清华大学人文学院:刘奋荣教授与阿姆斯特丹大学Alexandru Baltag教授联合申请荷兰皇家科学院国际合作项目获准 (KNAW approved a grant proposed jointly by Prof. Liu Fenrong from our school and Prof. Alexandru Baltag from University of Amsterdam)