Archive for Events
Mini-workshop on Games and Proof
Mini-workshop on Games and Proof Time: 2014.Nov.10 (Monday) Place: Tsinghua Univ., Xinzhai 335 Program: 2:30-3:30 Marmoru Kaneko: Game Theoretic Decidability and Undecidability 3:30-3:50 break 3:50-4:30 Junhua Yu: On non-self-referential realizable fragments 4:30-4:50 Break 4:50-5:30 Johan van Benthem: Proof patterns about Interaction 6:00- dinner at Jiasuo
seminar June 7, 2014
中国逻辑史研究的方法论探索 时间:2014年 6月7日(周六) 地点:清华大学 新斋 346教室 组织:清华-阿姆斯特丹逻辑学联合研究中心;清华大学哲学系 主持人: Jeremy Seligman (奥克兰大学哲学系) 8:30-9:30 孙中原(中国人民大学哲学院):中国逻辑史研究方法论 9:30-9:40 茶歇 9:40-10:40 李哲贤(台湾云林科技大学汉学研究所): 汉学研究与荀子研究视野 10:40-11:00 茶歇 11:00-12:00 曹峰(清华大学哲学系):TBA 12:00-2:00 午餐 主持人: 刘奋荣(清华大学哲学系) 2:00- 3:00 Donald Sturgeon(香港大学):从墨家观点看墨家逻辑 3:00-3:10 茶歇 3:10-4:10 刘新文(中国社会科学院哲学所): 周延理论与墨经中的“侔”式推理 4:00-4:30 茶歇 4:30-5:30 杨武金(中国人民大学哲学院): 逻辑在中国的情况——卢卡斯访谈录 5:30- 8:00 晚餐
Seminar April 17, 2014
International Skype Seminar on “Inquisitive dynamic epistemic logic”, 4:00-6:00 pm, April 17, 2014. Speakers: Floris Roelofsen and Ivano Ciardelli. Participants: Floris Roelofsen (ILLC, University of Amsterdam) Ivano Ciardelli (ILLC, University of Amsterdam) Fenrong Liu (Tsinghua University) Chenwei Shi (Tsinghua University) Zhiwei Yang (Tsinghua University) Yiyan Wang (Tsinghua University) Kaibo Xie (Tsinghua University) Yibing Dai (Tsinghua University)
workshop July 2, 2014
Trends in Logic — Presenting the Tsinghua-UvA Joint Research Center [Updated Apr 04] In 2013, after a long history of collaboration, Tsinghua University and the University of Amsterdam decided to create a joint research center in logic, the first of its kind. The center will serve as an umbrella for researchers from both sides and […]
Seminar May 20, 2009
Making the right exceptions ABSTRACT: Default rules play an important role in our daily lives, as they help us to take decisions in circumstances where the facts of the matter are only partly known. Conflicts among default rules are ubiquitous, and often questions of priority arise. In this talk I will supply a principled account […]
Seminar Oct. 15, 2009
Logical Dynamics of Social Communication ABSTRACT: Inspired by the development of Dynamic Epistemic Logics in the last two decades, dynamic changes brought about by acts of commanding, suggesting, promising, asserting, conceding, and so on are studied in logical terms, and various dynamic logics are developed. I will review the development of dynamified deontic logics that […]
Seminar Oct. 22, 2009
Lecture 1: Leibnitz and the European perspective of looking at China in the 17th and 18th Century. Time:2:00-4:30 pm, 22 October 2009 Place:Xinzhai 346, Tsinghua University Lecture 2: Structural difference between the Ancient Greek Philosophy and the Ancient Chinese Philosophy: Directions, Metaphysics and Logic. Time:2:00-4:30 pm, 27 October 2009 Place:Xinzhai 346, Tsinghua University
Seminar June 18, 2008
Coalgebra and Modal Logic Time:3:00 – 4:30 pm, June 18, 2008 Place:Xinzhai Room 353, Tsinghua University ABSTRACT: In recent years, Universal Coalgebra has emerged as a general framework for modelling various kinds of state-based evolving systems. Whereas algebras have operations for constructing new elements from old, coalgebras provide means to observe or unfold objects. Thus […]
Situation Theory and Channel Theory
Situation Theory Background Materials: Chapter 4 “Situation theory” by Jerry Seligman and Lawrence S. Moss pp. 239–309, in Handbook of Logic and Language, edited by edited by J. F. A. K. van Benthem and A G. B. ter Meulen, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997. Channel Theory Background Materials: Jon Barwise and Jerry Seligman. Information Flow: The logic […]
Logics of Time and Space
LOGICS OF TIME AND SPACE Time: Thursday 7:20-9:30 pm, in May 2010 Place: Teaching Building No.6 Room 6B111, Tsinghua University This will be an intensive short course on logics of time and also on new trends in logics of space. We will discuss modal languages, but position them against first-order and other approaches. These topics reach from natural language […]