Tsinghua Logic




  • Logic in the Community, November, December, 2012, Tsinghua University.
    By Jeremy Seligman, Auckland University, New Zealand.
    Session 1: Logic in the community
    Session 2: Belief influence
    Session 3: General dynamic dynamic logic
    Session 4: The epistemic logic of friendship
  • Games, Computation and Complexity, May 22-23, 2012, Tsinghua University.
    By Peter van Emde Boas, ILLC-FNWI- University of Amsterdam and Bronstee.com Software and Services BV, Heemstede,the Netherlands.
    Session 1: Problems about games and mathematical solutions
    Session 2: PSPACE and its relation to games
    Session 3: Interactive protocols
    Session 4: The evasiveness problem for graph properties
  • Logic in Games, May 3-4, 2012, Tsinghua University.
    By Johan van Benthem, Amsterdam University and Stanford University.
    Session 1: Logic in games, an overview of connections
    Session 2: Modal logics of game structure (action and preference)
    Session 3: Dynamic logic of games and strategic powers
    Session 4: Dynamic epistemic logic and theory of play


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