Tsinghua Logic

Archive for Events

Seminar Nov. 05, 2011

Logics for Legal Argumentation 报告人: 熊明辉 教授(中山大学) 形式:学术报告 时间:2011年11月5日(星期六) 10:00 — 12:00 地点:清华大学新斋346 摘要: This topic about logics for legal argument stems from Protagoras, who is the first sophist in Ancient Greece and presented the paradox of the court. In Aristotle’s logical works Organon, what his treatise On Sophistical Refutations discussed is how to refute […]

Seminar Nov. 11, 2011

Conditional Ought, a Game Theoretical Perspective 时间: 11月11日(星期五) 下午 2:00-4:30 地点:新斋346会议室 报告人: 清华大学哲学系硕士研究生 孙鑫 摘要: This paper presents a new consequentialist deontic logic in which the relation of preference over sets of possible worlds and the relation of conditional dominance are both transitive. This logic validate the principle that absolute ought can be derived from […]

Seminar Nov. 11, 2011

Modal Logics of Space Time:17 Novermber, 7:30-8:30 pm Place:Xinzhai Room 346, Tsinghua University Abstract: The need for formal languages for the representation and reasoning about space is crucial in many areas of AI and Computer Vision. In many contexts, qualitative approaches to space are more effective and appropriate than quantitative ones. In this talk, I review modal languages to […]

Logic in Games

Logic in Games 讲座简介:An intensive seminar on recent contacts between logic and game theory. We will survey three main directions, identifying results and open problems. 报告人:Johan van Benthem 教授。荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学和美国斯坦福大学双聘教授,欧洲科学院院士,荷兰皇家科学院院士,荷兰国家科学最高奖斯宾诺莎奖获得者。清华大学伟伦特聘教授,中国教育部海外名师。个人主页:http://staff.science.uva.nl/~johan 地点:清华大学新斋324会议室 5月3日10:00-12:00 AM Logic in games, an overview of connections 5月3日2:00-4:00 PM Modal logics of game structure (action &preference) 地点:清华大学新斋335会议室 5月4日10:00-12:00 AM Dynamic logic of games […]

Games, Computation and Complexity

Games, Computation and Complexity 报告人:Peter van Emde Boas 荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学 教授 主办:清华大学人文学院 哲学系 课程简介: The study of games invokes ideas from many different areas if scientific research: Philosophy, Mathematics, Computer Science, Logic, Psychology and Economics. In this short course the use of arguments, specifically from Mathematics, Logic and Computer Science will be illustrated, focussing on four by now rather […]

Tsinghua Seminar on “Logic in the Community”

Tsinghua Seminar on “Logic in the Community” General Introduction: Much of the depth and complexity of rational behaviour emerges only when one considers interactions between agents. Yet logic, with its traditional focus on the justification of an individual’s beliefs, has only recently been adapted to a multi-agent setting, in which concepts such as common knowledge, strategic game playing, […]

Seminar March 9th, 2012

Minimal Revision and Classical Kripke Models–First Results and Tableau System Speaker: Jonas De Vuyst, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 时间:3月9日下午14:00-17:00 地点:新斋328会议室

Seminar March 19th, 2012

Duality and Logic Time: 1:30-4:00 pm Place: 清华大学三教3310 Abstract: The notion of duality is a central one in modern mathematics, and it occurs in many different shapes. In this talk, dualities will be informally introduced, a number of different examples of dualities will be reviewed which are related to logic, and ways in which dualities […]

Seminar Aug. 3rd, 2012

Truth in Mohist Dialectics   Time: 10:00 — 12:00 am, August 3, 2012 Location: Xinzhai meeting room 353, Tsinghua University Speaker: Chris Fraser (University of Hong Kong) Abstract: The Mozi famously proposes three “standards” (biao 表) or “models” (fa 法) as criteria for evaluating teachings, claims, or policies. A longstanding controversy in the interpretation of […]

Seminar Aug. 21st, 2012

On Self-referentiality of the Provability Semantics of Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus and Modal Propositional Calculus S4 Speaker: Yu Junhua (Ph.d Candidate, City University of New York) Time: 3:00-5:00 pm, August 21 Location: Xinzhai 346 Abstract: After presenting the provability semantics of Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus (IPC) via Modal Propositional Calculus S4 and the Logic of Proofs (LP), we […]

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